DDA Partnership Has its Benefits
As the economic redevelopment engine for Downtown Hartwell, the Hartwell DDA helps businesses and the community prosper by developing and offering a wide range of programs and assistance, designed to make businesses stronger and the district more viable. Powered by its technical expertise, valuable network of contacts and ready access to pertinent information, the Hartwell DDA is able to assist businesses with just about anything.
Also, as a member of the Main Street America program and Georgia Main Street, we have access to professional resources for both technical and business assistance. It is the ongoing mission of the Hartwell DDA to reaffirm the economic viability of the district by strengthening each and every one of its businesses.
The Downtown Development Authority-Main Street Program is funded by the City of Hartwell, Partnerships, Sponsorships, Private Donations, and Fundraising.
How Do We Help?
The DDA-Main Street Program represents all businesses located in the focus district. The program is staffed by two paid employees and dozens of volunteers. The Main Street Program follows a National and State approach to economic development through the lens of historic preservation.
The approach consists of four categories – Design, Promotions, Economic Vitality, and Organization. Volunteers form committees under each of these categories and work to make Hartwell a strong place to live well and play well. OUR VOLUNTEERS ARE THE BEST!
Many local businesses and individuals support the work and mission of the organization through donations. We greatly appreciate that community members understand the importance of revitalizing and maintaining the community’s commerce center and “sense of place”.
All of our businesses receive:
Marketing & Public Relations
Downtown Event Participation
Posts shared through Social Media
Streetscape Improvement Projects
Landscape & Flower Installation & Maintenance
Public Art Installations
Property Listing on www.hartwellmainstreet.com
Become a Member
MainStreet Members who own a business in the designated MainStreet District also receive:
Boosted posts for specific events/attractions (if desired)
Real-Time retail Foot Traffic Data
City Issue Management and Advocacy
Government Issues & Policies (Local, State & National)
Consumer Assistance and ​Financial Assistance with access to Low Interest Revolving Loans
DDA Façade Grants – Up to $2000 Reimbursement for Exterior Improvements
Economic Redevelopment Grant – Fundraiser to Support Redevelopment Projects
Assistance with State, National & Historic Tax Incentives Business Start Up, Development & Education
Small Business Development Protocol
Assistance with Permits, Applications, Zoning
Consultations Services & Workshops

​Sponsors are an invaluable part of Hartwell Main Street. Your financial support ensures the success of our many events and programs. Sponsors will receive public recognition for your contribution through our social media pages and event signage (where appropriate).
We hope you will consider being a "title" sponsor for one of our events!
*Spring Ladies Night Out - $500. Your business name will become the "title" sponsor on all publicity. Your name, coupon or swag in our Swag Bags. Reaching over 150 ladies and their friends for this event.
*Fall Ladies Night Out - $500. Your business name will become the "title" sponsor on all publicity. Your name, coupon or swag in our Swag Bags. Reaching over 150 ladies and their friends for this event.
*Monster Mash - $1500. Your business name will become the "title" sponsor on all publicity. Special announcements made throughout the event by our DJ. Free booth for handing out candy. Reaching over 2800 families at this event.
*Scarecrows on the Square - $3000. Your business name will become the "title" sponsor on all publicity for the entire month of October. Become a judge for the prize money. Reaching over 27k families who come to town for this event.
To become a sponsor, click here.
We would like to extend a huge thank you to the staff and students at Hart County’s College and Career Academy for supporting the DDA-Main Street Program. Finally, we would like to thank our Mayor, City Council, and City Administration for your continued support.
To become a sponsor or partner please reach out to us or click the button below:
PO Box 1105, Hartwell Georgia, 30643

​For those who love the MainStreet approach and our downtown and would like to help, please consider becoming a Partner.
Donations of any amount are greatly appreciated and will go towards one of our four pillars: Promotion, Design, Economic Vitality, and Organization.
To make a donation of any size, please send your check payable to "Hartwell Main Street Partners" to: PO Box 1105, Hartwell Georgia, 30643
If you have any questions, please give us a call at 706-376-4756.
As always, we would like to extend a huge thank you to the staff and students at Hart County’s College and Career Academy for supporting the DDA-Main Street Program. Finally, we would like to thank our Mayor, City Council, and City Administration for your continued support.