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The Downtown Development Authority (DDA)

The Hartwell Downtown Development Authority – Main Street Program is an independent government authority in the City of Hartwell, Georgia.  A seven-member Board comprised of downtown business owners and City residents governs the agency and sets policy. The Board’s policy direction is implemented by the Executive Director’s oversight.  The Hartwell Downtown Development Authority Board Members meet monthly in the City Hall in the upstairs conference room.  All meetings are open to the public.



Our mission is to work together to revitalize, promote, and beautify downtown Hartwell as the viable hub of our community.  This will provide for feasible preservation of our historic and natural resources, encourage quality growth, economic prosperity, and further maintain our small town experience.  We will be responsible stewards of community resources in order to enhance our quality of life and retain our sense of community.



Downtown Hartwell is a vibrant center for Hart County, with a mixture of business, services, government offices and venues for the arts, day and night, twelve months a year.

Promote quality commercial/retail development within the City

  • Work with potential new business owners to find and secure appropriate business space in downtown Hartwell

  • Provide support for existing business owners to aid in retention and expansion opportunities

  • Have updated information about downtown properties

  • Work with City to ensure that we have ordinances that are fair to business owners and promote a beautiful and historic looking downtown area

  • Work closely with the city and county governments to represent the interests of downtown


Plan and implement events which will bring in new customers and provide exceptional experiences

  • Partner with the Chamber of Commerce to aid in the facilitation of all downtown events

  • Plan, promote, and run Scarecrow event – Mayor’s Monster Mash

  • Partner with the Chamber of Commerce to plan, promote, and run Christmas Tree Lighting Event

  • Research what other cities are doing and copy from the best


Promote and market downtown Hartwell as great place to visit, locate a business in or live

  • Initiate the creation of a tri-county tourism round table with Franklin and Stephens Counties to promote Hartwell as a tourism destination beyond “just a lake”

  • Investigate and find potential funding for a billboard on 1-85

  • Social Media campaigns that target residents and tourist alike

  • Traditional media marketing through local access TV, local newspaper, kiosk displays, etc.


Improve the look and feel of downtown Hartwell keeping its historic look and unique small-town experience

  • Provide downtown plantings to beautify the square

  • Work with the city to plan for the next streetscape project

  • Work with the City and the Historic Preservation Commission to protect historic properties

  • Provide appropriate signage and way-finding for downtown Hartwell

  • Assists with all areas of the Railroad Street project


Provide for the secure future of the Hartwell DDA by looking for new ways to fund projects and operations

  • Analyze current funding to determine needs

  • Find and use appropriate grant funding to complete projects and to assist business start-ups

  • Create a new membership plan to help with private funding

  • Raise private funding by finding business sponsorships

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Let’s Work Together

The Hartwell DDA is always a welcoming and encouraging business resource.  Contact us with any business related questions and we will be happy to help.

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About Hartwell, GA

Hartwell, Georgia was designated a "Main Street City" in 1997.  Beautiful downtown Hartwell offers a charming and vibrant downtown business area featuring beautifully preserved buildings circa 1879 to 1925.

Shopping, dining, relaxing, and entertainment…downtown Hartwell offers something for everyone, all year long!


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Doing Business in Hartwell:

Hartwell, GA is a vibrant, growing area that strives to be business friendly.  If you are a business owner, or thinking of opening a business in Hartwell, please browse our helpful resources:

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